
privacy policy


Your privacy is so important to us..

That is why we are committed in SafirQand to ensure that your privacy and information are protected. As we will receive some of the information provided by you that can identify you when using the site and it will only be used in accordance with the privacy policy statement. Note that the privacy policy may change through these updates, you only have to review this page from time to time. And remind our dear customer that there is no 100% safe means of transportation via the Internet, but we will strive to choose the best.

What information is obtained:

Demographic information.

Private personal login information (such as username, password, e-mail, phone number, and addresses).

What is the need of using the information provided:

Understand your needs to provide a better service.

May be a way to contact you for marketing or support purposes.

To improve our products and services and may be used according to your interests so internal records are kept.

Periodic promotional messages about new products, special offers and other services and information you are looking

forward to may be sent via e-mail and other means of communication.

Information protection:

We, the Safirqand website, are committed to ensuring the protection of your private information from any unauthorized party, and this information may be transferred to a third party if requested by legal issues and the law. Otherwise, SafirQand store is committed to protecting this data to ensure security and privacy.

What are cookies and their role:

Cookies are a series of information that the website stores and the Safirqand website, like most other websites on the Internet, has this feature.

This helps us provide a better service by enabling us to monitor the pages that interest you. It does not allow us to access your device or information, but rather analyzes network traffic to display customized content from ads that match your directions.

Links to other websites on the Internet:

Our store may include links to external sites that are not operated by us, so we advise you to review the privacy policy and practices of these parties and sites to make sure of them before clicking and visiting them. As Safirqand is not responsible for any damage that may come from external sites that may not be subject to the privacy and protection statement.